Jason Levin

It took just over a year for Jason Levin to build his business from zero to $30,000/month.

And it all started with a blog and Twitter. As Jason was working one day, he saw someone mention on Twitter that they were willing to pay someone to write about web3.

Jason was already deep in the crypto rabbithole, so he messaged her and soon got the job.

Armed with that experience, he cold DMed a Twitter-famous founder/venture capitalist and started ghostwriting for him.

In addition to his ghostwriting gigs, Jason started writing a weekly newsletter called Cyber Patterns in July, 2021 sharing content strategy tips.

After Jason hit 10,000 followers on Twitter in July 2022, he leveraged his newsletter and Twitter audience to build his own content business under the same Cyber Patterns brand. From there, it only took a month to hit $30,000/month in revenue.

His business specifically focuses on serving startups and venture capital firms.

When asked about what advice he would give someone just starting out, Jason offered several nuggets of wisdom:

  • Work for free/cheap in the beginning. Be humble and think of that as your education.
  • Shoot your shot and try to get digital apprenticeships working for big people. Then leverage their name into your next deals where you can really start making good money. 
  • Send cold DMs everyday.

You can find Jason at twitter.com/iamjasonlevin and subscribe to his newsletter at www.cyberpatterns.xyz/.

Thanks for reading!